dr. laura lee summers
Wellbeing & Resilience Resources
My sessions and workshops on how to cultivate your well-being and resilience offer research-based resources that I evaluate and keep up-to-date on this page. If a link expires, I update it as soon as possible.
Defining Our Own Wellness as an Educator
Faculty Wellness Strategies for Building Resilience, Laura Lee Summers, PhD (free eBook)
Filling Your Well: 3 Tips for Self-Care, Carrie Grace
Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck), Alison Ledgerwood (TEDxUCDavis)
Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory (The American Institute of Stress)
The Power of Vulnerability, Brene Brown
Resilience: A Mindset for Everyday Life, Joana Baquero
The 7 types of rest that every person needs, Saundra Dalton-Smith, (ideas.ted.com)
Wellness vs. Well-being: What’s the Difference? (University of New Hampshire)
What students appreciate most about their professors (Cengage)
Unpacking Strategies for Wellness and Resilience
Calm app
Cultivating Teacher Resilience: International Approaches, Application and Impact, Caroline F. Mansfield (editor)
Educators and Students Are Burned Out. These Strategies Can Help, Kira Schabram and Yu Tse Heng
Healthy Living: Resilience articles on Everyday Health
How My “Distraction Journal” Doubled My Productivity, The Financial Diet
How People Learn to Become Resilient, Maria Konnikova
Increase Faculty Resilience with Co-regulation Skills, Michelle Poulus
Introvert Wellness: Getting Out There, Veronica Hoebeke
It’s all about perspective, Brisa Ayub
Reclaiming the Joy in Teaching Lifting the Languishing Series, Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence
Resilience: Build skills to endure hardship, Mayo Clinic
Resilience: How to Emerge from Your Tragedies Stronger, Sydney Cummings, (TEDxUCDavis)
Science Has Your Back, Introverts: New Research Says Spending Time Alone Is the Best Way to Rest, Melanie Curtin
20 Ways to Sleep Well, University of New Hampshire
What Trauma Taught Me About Resilience, Charles Hunt (TEDx Charlotte)
You are your best thing: vulnerability, shame resilience, and the black experience: An anthology, Tarana Burke & Brene Brown (editors)
Extending Well-being and Self-care in the Educational Landscape
“Burnout Symptoms Increasing among College Students,” Olivia Sanchez, Hechinger Report (July 30, 2021)
Daring Classrooms, Brené Brown, [SXSW EDU Video]
"Engaged Pedagogy", bell hooks (1993)
Educators - An Unbroken Spirit, Brisa Ayub
Self-Compassion for Students, Greater Good in Education
Staff Meeting Rituals that Build Trust, Greater Good in Education