dr. laura lee summers

Soul Messages
I share intuitive messages in honor of each person's journey for more conscious living.
Your Inner Knowing: You were born to be illuminary
Crystal Weavings™
A crystalweaving™ is a sacred message from your Divine Self provided through a partnership with your guides and loved ones. My guides share a channeled audio message during meditation that is paired with a specific visual composite display of crystals. I work with guides focused on one's highest good to select specific crystals and create a visual message that illuminates specific crysaline frequencies for the recipient. When you purchase a crystalweaving for yourself, or a loved one, the recipient receives the digital crystalweaving image along with a channeled ten to fifteen minute audio recording specifically for the client.
Akashic Record Readings
Everyone has access to their soul-level records. By accessing the Akashic Records we can acknowledge our inner knowing and bring more conscious awareness to the decisions we make.
Tarot is one of the tools that I use in my crystalweavings and in my intuitive readings for clients and myself. Guidance comes from the Divine, our higher selves, our guides and angels.

Thank you, Laura, for the most incredibly intuitive Crystalweaving! It felt like the pieces that confused me came to light so that I could connect deeply to my inner calling and next steps! Such a divine and magical experience to explore my inner truth through cystals and your astral traveling
— Krista, Live True Healing Apothecary